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Do you have a skill or interest that you would like to share with the community?

Community Engagement connects people with community resources and offers affordable, close-to-home educational, and life-enhancing opportunities. Review the answers to frequently asked questions and find the course/camp proposal form. We look forward to hearing from you!


How do I start the process of becoming a Community Engagement instructor?

Fill out a Community Engagement Course/Camp Proposal and upload a class outline.
What are the requirements of a Community Engagement instructor?

Each instructor and volunteer is required to complete a DCI background check. Each consultant must also carry general liability, automobile liability, workers’ compensation, and employer’s liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 and provide a current certificate of liability to the Community Engagement department.
What happens after I submit my proposal?

Once your class proposal is received, the Community Engagement department will contact you if the course fits their current program needs.
What is the typical schedule for Community Engagement courses?

Enrichment courses for both youth and adults are typically in two seasons: Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer. The Fall/Winter season runs from September through February, while the Spring/Summer season runs from March through August. Classes may be scheduled for one evening or many, depending on what you plan to teach. Weekends are also popular. The department is happy to assist with planning.
What are the deadlines for submitting a class proposal?

Fall/ Winter season (begins late September and runs through February) – Deadline May 1.
Spring/Summer (begins February and runs through August) – Deadline November 1.
Do I need to be a licensed teacher?

No, what you need is knowledge about your subject matter and a passion to share that knowledge with your community.
Do I need to follow a specific curriculum?

You are not required to adhere to a specific curriculum. The Community Engagement department asks for an overview of your lesson plan, which could include a class outline, learning objectives, a list of materials needed, and/or a check-in meeting prior to class. We can help brainstorm, troubleshoot, and give you feedback on your curriculum.
How is the class registration fee determined?

Instructors determine the price they want to charge for a class. The Community Engagement department then adds approximately 20% to the price you’ve determined to cover the cost of course catalog marketing, facility usage, and custodial services. Please include the cost of materials in the class fee.
What if there are supplies or copies I need for the class?

Once you are accepted as a vendor, we will discuss these details with you.
Is there a minimum number of students required to hold the class?

Yes, we do ask for a minimum and a maximum number of students for each class. We require a minimum number of four, but if a higher minimum is desired, it is up to the discretion of the instructor. In the event there are not enough students registered, the class will be canceled.
If I am accepted as an independent contractor will there be additional forms to fill out?

Yes, you will receive a packet of paperwork that will need to be completed and returned to the Community Engagement department.

Contact Us

Madisen Gaskin
Community Engagement Specialist
Kristopher Koehler
Community Engagement Assistant