Program Overview
Students are identified for AELP services in math and literacy.
Pathways of Identification
There are two pathways to identification. The case study pathway is utilized when students’ strengths may not be evident through conventional assessment data. The general pathway is a process to collect other data which may indicate a student’s needs cannot be met within the universal tier and therefore might benefit from AELP services.
General Pathway Criteria
Case Study Pathway Criteria
- Achievement Data (FASTBRIDGE, ISASP)
- Ability Data (Cognitive Abilities Test)
- Classroom performance
- Teacher feedback
- Student information
- Clinical assessment data
General Pathway Identification Timeline
Case Study Pathway Identification Timeline
Visual map currently under construction, check back soon.
K-2 Service Delivery Model
The K-2 program is a consultative model. The K-2 program is a consultative model. Identified students will receive specially designed learning experiences in the classroom setting, delivered by their classroom teacher. K-2 students will not receive direct instruction with the AELP teachers.
Through this consultative model AELP teachers will
- regularly collaborate with general education teachers (through professional learning communities, etc.), support staff, and administrators as a critical partner
- share resources and strategies with general education teachers
- co-develop enrichment and extension opportunities for students
- promote, share, and model effective strategies and supplemental resources
- provide ongoing professional development for staff
- monitor student data
Students who have two consecutive data points of 90% or above on FASTBRIDGE data will be identified for services for the year. This will be a revolving identification process. For example, students will be initially identified for fall services based on spring and fall data and served for the year. However when winter data becomes available any additional students who meet criteria on fall and winter data will be added for services for the year. Services one year does not guarantee services the following year at the K-2 level.
The case study pathway of identification may also be utilized.
Notation: The K-2 program will be implemented in 2024-2025 and monitored for needed adjustments as the program evolves.
3rd-9th Service Delivery Model
The 3rd-9th program is a direct service delivery model. AELP teachers provide direct instruction with identified students on a weekly basis to provide appropriate extension and challenge in students’ identified strength areas. This model also incorporates consultative services.
Students will be identified based on achievement and ability data. Additional data, such as classroom performance, teacher feedback, and/or anomalies in scores will also be reviewed for potential services.
10th-12th Service Delivery Model
For the 2024-2025 school year the Gifted Specialist will provide consultative support services for high school students. The gifted specialist will be available to students and teachers as needed on a request basis. Identified students will have access to a Canvas Course which will house various information such as resources, external opportunities, etc. Throughout the year the gifted specialist will establish lunch and learn opportunities for identified students to attend which may cover a variety of topics. Students who were identified and received services in 9th grade will remain identified through 12th grade.