Innovative Hub FAQ
Please submit any questions related to the Innovative Hub here:
Answers will be provided by the Innovative Hub Core Committee. Questions will be combined when the topic is the same.
Why pursue an innovative hub rather than utilizing DMACC’s existing programs and facilities?
Ankeny Schools already benefits from a strong partnership with DMACC. However, the vision for the Innovative Hub is to have a program of studies that is driven by the district to meet the needs of our students and is not dependent on the existing offerings of another organization.
Students in Ankeny are increasingly interested in DMACC’s offerings and sometimes run into DMACC having limited space to serve the large demand. DMACC provides programming for college students and high school students throughout the metro. The “hub” will allow the district not to restrict and/or delay a student beginning a course.
Students will maintain their enrollment at AHS or ACHS and can take courses at the “hub” based on the pathway. The “hub” will serve 500-750 students throughout the school day, allowing space for 9th-grade students when the transition is completed. Rooms in both high schools with programs that will be relocated to the “hub” will be redesigned for additional classroom space. Based on data from the district’s demographer, an additional high school will not be needed.
Why pursue an innovative hub instead of a third high school?
The innovative hub is directly aligned to the district’s strategic plan in assisting to realize our vision of expanding on the offerings to prepare students for college or a career. Furthermore, based on data from the district’s demographer, an additional high school will not be needed. Finally, the cost to build a third high school greatly exceeds the cost to construct the district’s plans for the innovative hub, as a third high school would also require a second stadium to be constructed.
Is the innovative hub only for high school students or for all students PreK-12?
Our 9-12 grade students will have the opportunity to earn credits via the courses offered at the innovative hub.
We envision all students benefitting from the hub as follows:
The innovative hub will help us build awareness of careers with our elementary students. Beginning in 6th grade, our middle school students will have the opportunity to explore careers through observations at the innovative hub and by collaborating with our business partners. These experiences could include field trips or visits to the hub to see these career-specific courses. Business partnerships with our project-based learning framework, as required via Iowa’s new definition of work-based learning, will also take place in all classes.