Seeking Truth in Our Classrooms
The Ankeny Community School District hosted forum Wednesday, Sept. 29 to amplify student voice and explore diversity within the schools.
“We want to create a brave space to address some of the misinformation about what is being taught in our school district while at the same time centering student voice. We want to make sure every student has equal opportunities to succeed in school and has access to accurate, comprehensive, and relevant curriculum,” says Ken Morris, Jr., Director of Equity for the district. The forum included research based information of what critical race theory is and isn’t, shared what is taught in our school curriculum and the impact it has had on our students lived experience.
In addition to Mr. Morris, presenters included Dr. Jeanne Dyches, Assistant Professor of Secondary Literacy at Iowa State University, Carol Eddy, Director of Curriculum and Innovation at Ankeny School District and Dr. Erick Pruitt, Superintendent of Schools for Ankeny. Attendees also heard from a student panel facilitated by Kelcy Lofgren, Academic Interventionist for the Ankeny School District.