Parent-Teacher Conferences Start Today!
Make the most of your conference by asking thoughtful questions about your child’s growth and progress. Here are some great questions to guide your conversation, sourced from your student’s Leadership Portfolio:
Questions to ask your child:
- What is your personal mission statement?
- What is your WIG® (Wildly Important Goal) for this month?
- How many books have you read?
- What is your reading goal?
- What is your math goal?
- What grades have you earned this grading period?
- What is your leadership role at school?
- What is one thing you would like to show me?
- What are you most proud of in your Leadership Portfolio?
- What is your favorite thing about school?
Questions to ask your child’s teacher:
- What are my child’s strengths?
- How is my child engaging in class with the lessons and their peers?
- What extra support does my child need?
- How can I support my child at home?
- How can we work together to help my child reach their full potential?
Check your school website or newsletter for conference times and dates, and let’s work together to help your child grow into the leader they’re becoming!