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April 7, 2022

Celebrating our Assistant/Associate Principals!

Asst principals bw

The Ankeny Community School District would like to recognize all of the assistant and associate principals that have persevered amid the pandemic and considered what their ever-expanding and evolving role might look like moving forward. Through it all, our AP’s have demonstrated unwavering leadership—becoming a source of strength and inspiration for us all. If ever there was a time to express how much your AP means to you and your school community, this is it. Visit our Thank You page, add your message, and hit submit to deliver to their inbox—it’s that easy!

Ankeny Centennial High School – Adam Busch, JD Hunter

Ankeny High School – Kelsie Goodman, Wade Grinhaug

Northview Middle School (8-9) – Caleb Hales, Cameron Wendt

Southview Middle School (8-9) – Nicole Kuhns, Chris Novak

Prairie Ridge Middle School (6-7) – Andrea Bruns, Kathleen Steffen

Parkview Middle School (6-7) – Ben Huebsch, Emily Rash