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Find out about Kindergarten

Jan. 30: Virtual Parent Meeting

Date: Thursday, January 30
For Preschool, Transitional Kindergarten (TK), and Kindergarten families

Time: 6:00 PM


Feb. 5: TK In-Person Parent Meetings

Date: Wednesday, February 5
Session 1: 8:00–9:00 AM
Session 2: 12:00–1:00 PM
Session 3: 6:00–7:00 PM

Location: 406 SW School St, Ankeny, IA – Cottonwood Conference Room


Please bring the Kindergarten Information form to the school or email it to the school your child is attending.

Kindergarten Student Information Form (English)

KINDERGARTEN Information Form (Spanish)

Kindergarten Student Information Form (Mandarin)

Address Look-up tool

Get Ready for Kindergarten!

The beginning of school is an important event in the life of a child. A strong start helps assure continued progress and further success. The Ankeny kindergarten program has been planned to stimulate the total growth of the child: academically, physically, socially, and emotionally. We know that each child is unique, and we strive to ensure that your child experiences self-fulfillment and builds a positive self-concept. Mutual understanding and confidence between the home and school are essential to the happiness and academic growth of the kindergarten child. We created this web page to provide information about kindergarten and to help make your child’s adjustment to school life a successful and happy one.

Who may come to kindergarten?

As established by state regulations, a child may enter kindergarten if his/her fifth birthday is on or before September 15 of the current school year.


Attending school regularly and on time is very important. Your child’s interests and progress will be maintained through his/her participation in each day’s learning experiences. Parents should call the school prior to 8:00 a.m. if there is an absence. Please notify the school in advance of any anticipated absence.

Assisting in Your Child’s Education

You can help in your child’s education in a number of ways. It is important that you:

  • Read to your child.
  • Present a positive attitude about school to your child.
  • Teach your child to be independent in caring for his or her personal needs, such as how to:
    • tie shoes and hood
    • zip or button clothes
    • use the bathroom independently
  • Provide opportunities for your child to develop fine motor skills by encouraging the use of scissors, crayons, pencils, and glue.
  • Involve your child in gross motor activities such as throwing, catching, running, jumping, climbing, etc.
  • Teach your child his/her full name, address, and telephone number.
  • Teach your child the appropriate communication for wants and needs.


The Ankeny Community School District provides a well-balanced hot lunch that parents may choose to purchase. If you send your child’s lunch from home, we ask that you also consider good nutrition. During lunchtime each day, students will be provided with many opportunities to practice good manners and social skills.

Visiting/Volunteering in School

Parents/guardians are welcome to visit their child’s classroom except during the first and last weeks of school. Whenever possible, please provide building administration with at least 24-hours advance notice of the intended visit to the building so schedules can be coordinated. Teachers are not able to conference with parents when class is in session. Lunchtime visits are limited to eating lunch. Visitors are not permitted to attend recess. Minors and students unaccompanied by adults are not permitted to visit elementary schools.

Persons who wish to volunteer in the school must complete the volunteer approval process via our Volunteer Sign Up prior to the visit. Please note that this involves a background check and can take up to two weeks for completion. Once someone is an approved volunteer, they may sign up for volunteer opportunities directly through the district’s volunteer portal. To ensure safety, individuals who have not signed up to volunteer through the portal will not be permitted to volunteer for the selected activity.

Upon arrival, all visitors and volunteers are required to check in at the school office and present a photo ID. To ensure we are able to consistently maintain a safe learning environment the district uses Raptor, a visitor management system, to screen all visitors against sexual offender registries in all 50 states.

Please refer to our visitor policy for further information.


The primary mission of the school nurse is to remove health barriers to learning. If a student becomes ill or injured during the day, the teacher will excuse the student from class to go to the nurse’s office. If it is necessary for a student to go home, the parents/guardians will be contacted and arrangements will be made. No student will be sent home until prior arrangements have been made. Visit the immunizations and health screenings web page.

Before and After School Program

The Ankeny Community School District offers a safe, fun, high-quality, fee-based Before and After-School Enrichment Program for students in grades K-5. The Before and After School Program is funded through participating parent-paid fees and serves all elementary schools. On scheduled school days, the before-school program opens at 6:30 a.m. The after-school program opens immediately following the regular school day and closes at 6:00 p.m. The program also offers full-day, theme-based enrichment camps on no-school days, winter and spring break, and throughout the summer. The Before and After-School Program provides students with safe, fun, hands-on before and after school experiences. Students engage in recreation, homework lab, and hands-on enrichment labs focused on STEM, arts, recreation, character education, and teamwork, all geared toward helping students increase academic success, character development, and build life skills. The program is governed by the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services and provides a supervised environment that carries over PBIS expectations from the regular school day and promotes educational competence, physical and social development, and community and family engagement. Before-school program participants have the opportunity to purchase breakfast through the district Nutrition Services Program; a nutritious snack is provided in the after-school program. For more information, including program-specific procedures, enrollment contract options, and to learn more about registration and tuition, visit the Before and After School Program website. The minimum Before and After School Program site enrollment must be 30 students. The program manager will make every effort to ensure student enrollment is met. However, if minimum program enrollment is not met, it may be necessary to close the low enrollment site until enrollment is met or combine it with a neighboring program site, pending budget and transportation. In such situations, parents will be notified in writing with as much advance notice as possible.

Parent and Community Involvement

Each elementary has a Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) and each building has its own officers. Meetings and projects are held according to each building’s needs. PTOs wishing to raise money for the building are asked to refer to the guidelines in Board Policy 1004.60. Many parents/guardians help carry out the projects throughout the year. We hope you will become active in your PTO; this is an important link between the home and school to benefit your child.

Ankeny Elementary Schools and Principals:

North Feeder South Feeder
Abbie Grove Elementary
Principal: Andrew Burg

5001 NW 18th St.
Ankeny, IA 50023
Phone: (515) 965-4815

Crocker Elementary
Principal: Brandon Hargens 

2910 SW Applewood Street
Ankeny, IA 50023
Phone: (515) 965-9710
Fax: (515) 965-9714

Ashland Ridge Elementary
Principal: Mark Moss

2600 NW Ash Drive
Ankeny, IA 50023
Phone: (515) 965-9594
Fax: (515) 965-9593
East Elementary
Principal: Shane Mathis

710 SE Third Street
Ankeny, IA 50021
Phone: (515) 965-9660
Fax: (515) 965-9663
Northeast Elementary
Principal: Kristin Barber

1705 NE Trilein Dr.
Ankeny, IA 50023
Phone: (515) 965-9620
Fax: (515) 965-9621
Heritage Elementary
Principal: Laura Ryan

301 SW Prairie Trail Parkway
Ankeny, IA 50023
Phone:  (515) 965-9645
Fax: (515) 964-3981
Northwest Elementary
Principal: Kate Cisney

1202 W First Street
Ankeny, IA 50023
Phone: (515) 965-9680
Fax: (515) 965-9683
Prairie Trail Elementary
Principal: Ben Muller

1850 SW College Ave.
Ankeny, IA 50023
Phone: (515) 965-9605
Fax: (515) 289-2825
Rock Creek Elementary
Principal: Suvada Kuburas

3800 NW Abilene Road
Ankeny, IA 50023
Phone: (515) 965-9629
Fax: (515) 964-5101
Southeast Elementary
Principal: Erin Adair

1005 SE Trilein Drive
Ankeny, IA 50021
Phone: (515) 965-9650
Fax: (515) 965-9653
Westwood Elementary
Principal: Joel Martin

2920 NW Ninth Street
Ankeny, IA 50023
Phone: (515) 965-9690
Fax: (515) 965-9693
Terrace Learning Center
Principal: Sheila Schmidt

310 NW School Street
Ankeny, IA 50023
Phone: (515) 965-9670
Fax: (515) 965-9672