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Virtual Backpack

The information distributed in the Virtual Backpack (vBackpack) is provided as a community service to inform members of the community of available activities or services. The majority of information included in the vBackpack is from community organizations. Community groups can submit their information within certain guidelines, governed by Board Policy #1004.25.


Submission form


Non-District related materials that will be distributed via the Virtual Backpack must meet the following parameters:

  • Entity, activity, or event benefiting students and/or families is within the Ankeny Community; and
  • A youth-related program, activity, or event for students and/or families; and
  • Intended to improve the health, education, or welfare of students; and
  • A non-profit organization or a non-profit event.


  • Information is updated the first day of each month.
  • Distributions months are September 1 through May 1.
  • Information must be submitted two weeks prior to distribution.
  • Community Engagement approves non-district information for the Virtual Backpack.
  • Re-submit information for each month of desired distribution.
  • To conform to the district’s commitment to accessibility, all information will be presented in an accessible, text-only format.  Read the district policy regarding accessibility, content, and formatting.

Contact Us

Kristopher Koehler Profile
Community Engagement Assistant