Infinite Campus
The Infinite Campus Parent Portal gives you access to a wealth of information, including student assignments, grades, daily announcements and more.
Parents have the ability and responsibility to keep contact and account information up to date so they can view their students’ grades and other information. Maintaining accurate, current information in the portal is a key to communication with your children’s teachers and schools, who rely on the email and other contact information provided through the portal.
Please ensure you have logged into the portal and verified or updated your contact information and made a note of your username and password to preserve your ability to use the portal.
New Portal Accounts
The Infinite Campus parent portal is only available to parents or legal guardians of students with an “active” enrollment in Ankeny Community Schools. An active enrollment is considered to be only during the current school calendar. If you have a student enrolled in a future year, their status will not be “active” until the second week of July. You will be able to setup your new parent portal at that time.
Assistance with the Portal
If you require assistance with Infinite Campus including creating an account or obtaining your username and password, you may email with the details of your request. Each weekday, the district responds to detailed requests sent to that address. Please be sure to include your name, child(ren)’s names and birth dates, home address, email address, and the specific assistance you need.
Students who require assistance accessing Infinite Campus should see their teacher librarian or a media center associate. The email address above is only for parents who need assistance with their Parent Portal accounts.