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October 12, 2022

Parkview students create art for the International Day of Peace

parkview art class

Parkview art teachers, Debra Flynn and Mary McDonald, planned fun events for students to celebrate the International Day of Peace. This day is observed each year around the world on September 21. The class was able to combine their efforts with students in Texas and Romania.  The art projects created by the students were peace cranes (an origami crane used as peace symbol) and pinwheels for peace.

Peace cranes 2

Peace Cranes

The Peace Crane Project was founded in 2013 by Sue DiCicco, in order to promote world peace and raise awareness of the International Day of Peace. The Project builds friendships, strengthens hand-eye coordination and writing skills, teaches geography, exposes students to new languages and cultures, and EMPOWERS YOUTH to make a difference in their community, country, and world.

art class creates peace cranes

Mrs. Flynn’s students connected with a group of students in Romania who sent pictures, letters, and cranes.  The students also reached out to Lehman High School in Kyle, Texas for a crane exchange. The students were excited to have a window to the world opened for them.  Some students used Google Translate to write letters in Romanian.  Before we closed the packages we sent some Parkview swag including pennants, pens, wallets, and some Iowa souvenirs donated by the Parkview staff.

Pinwheels for Peace

Pinwheels for Peace is an art installation project started in 2005 as a way for their students to express their feelings about what’s going on in the world and in their lives.  The 2022 theme for the International Day of Peace is “End racism. Build peace.”  The Art Club, led by Mary McDonald and Debra Flynn, created Pinwheels to be placed in front of Parkview Middle School.  The Art Club is hoping to make an impact on campus by creating art projects to inspire students.

class creates pinwheels for peace