Million Minutes of Service
With the recent launch of Ankeny’s one-stop volunteer program, Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS), it’s become even more evident just how critical volunteers are to our school community. Whether it’s reading to a child, helping at a classroom party, providing behind-the-scenes support for teachers and staff, providing conference night meals for teachers, or chaperoning a middle school dance–the opportunities to get involved in Ankeny schools are numerous and something can be found for nearly anyone!
In conjunction with this renewed focus on volunteering, we’re excited to announce the Million Minutes of Service campaign for this school year. Through a tracking widget, all volunteers will be able to log their volunteer hours to help us reach our goal of one million collective hours of service for our school community. Whether it’s for your PTO, the Booster Club, a one-time volunteer effort, a student working to earn silver cord hours, or a staff member volunteering for a committee, every hour counts and every hour will help us make this district what we want it to be.