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Before & After School

Frequently asked questions

School-Year: Will the $65.00 non-refundable registration fee be refunded if we withdraw? No, the registration fee is non-refundable .  It is also Program practice to waive one re-registration fee per school year.  Therefore, if you withdraw your child now, but re-register at any time during the same school year, your re-registration fee will be waived.

Year-Round: Why is registration opening at 6:30 a.m.? There is not a ‘perfect’ time to open registration for everyone.  With that being said, the Program has always tried to open registration when it’s most convenient for working parents while  balancing that with ensuring the central office team is available for support.  Although there will not be immediate support available at 6:30 a.m., based on parent feedback,  prior to the majority of our parents reporting to work.

School-Year: What happens if registration is full when I try and register? Once registration is full, you will be directed to register to the waitlist.  Waitlist registrations do not guarantee enrollment; students are enrolled as space is available, in the order waitlist registrations are received.  To enroll to the waitlist, a $35.00 non-refundable fee is due at the time of registration.  If offered enrollment into the B/ASP, during the same school-year, this fee will be applied to the $65.00 registration fee.  If space does not become available within the same school year, or if the space is declined when offered, the waitlist fee is forfeited.

Year-Round: Why is there a limit on the number of waitlist applications accepted? The B/ASP has capacity limitations based on space and more importantly, the number of employees regularly available to work during program hours.  In an effort to provide transparent expectations of enrollment to families, while still understanding there is no guarantee of enrollment from the waitlist, the B/ASP has limited the number of waitlist applications based on these parameters.  It remains the goal of the B/ASP to serve all families seeking B/ASP services through continuous employee recruitment.  If you know someone who would be a great addition to the B/ASP, please encourage them to apply!

Year-Round: What do I need to register?  Full student name and contact information; parent/guardian name, phone number, email address, driver’s license number; at least 2 emergency contact/authorized pick up person name, phone, address – must be 16 years & older; allergies/health/behavior information; 24-hour care facility name, phone, address; primary care physician name, phone, address; dentist name, phone, address; credit/debit card to pay non-refundable, non-transferable registration fee .

Year-Round: Does B/ASP accept Childcare Assistance? Yes, please click here for all details pertaining to this in the Before & After School Program Handbook, Financial Assistance area.

School-Year: Is there an option to change my child’s B/ASP contract? The contract change/withdrawal deadline is the 28th of each month for changes to the following month.  All changes/withdrawals are completed by the parent/guardian submitted on the Request a Contract Change or Withdraw form. 

School-Year: Will my child stay at his own school for the B/ASP?  The goal is to offer a B/ASP at every elementary school.  However, due to the structure of the Program, a minimum after school enrollment of 30 students is required for a site to be open.  In the event a site does not meet the required minimum enrollment, students will be bussed to a neighboring school using District transportation, at no additional cost.  A decision is typically made regarding site enrollment, and whether a site will need to be combined, during the first week of August.

School-Year: If I withdraw my child for the start of the school year, will there be an option to re-enroll later? Registration is open throughout the school year under the waitlist selection and then added as space allows.  Enrollment is limited at each site. Will my child’s spot be saved if I withdraw now and re-enroll later? The Program does not ‘hold’ spots.

School-year: Can my child  only attend the B/ASP one day per week? Students may attend the B/ASP on the days they are physically in school per the student’s registered B/ASP contract.  Students may attend as many or as few days within these guidelines, but the tuition rate remains the same.

Why are camps not included with tuition? The B/ASP is an enterprise fund within Ankeny Community School District.  It is a self-sustained program and only B/ASP parent-paid fees are used to fund the B/ASP.  Increases in supply and food costs, as well as changes in the labor market have required changes in our program.