Inclement Weather or Emergencies
The safety and security of students and staff is the Program’s top priority. The availability of B/ASP services during inclement weather or emergencies is dependent upon current weather conditions. In the event of severe weather or weather-related emergencies, the procedures below are not guaranteed. Administration reserves the right to make adjustments to these procedures at any time based on current conditions and student and staff safety.
School Delay
B/ASP will also be delayed and open at 7:30 a.m. to allow employees to travel to work safely and the Operations Department to clear parking lots and walkways. No breakfast is served.
- Delayed Start: the B/ASP will operate at regular sites beginning at 7:30 a.m. for students currently registered under the AM Only or AM + PM contract. No other contracts are eligible to attend.
School Early Dismissal
If school is dismissed early due to inclement weather: the B/ASP will operate at regular sites immediately following dismissal until 4:30 p.m. for students currently registered under the following contracts:
- Early Dismissal: the B/ASP will operate at regular sites immediately following early dismissal until 4:30 p.m. for students currently registered under the AM + PM and PM Only contract. No other contracts are eligible to attend.
An afternoon snack is provided. Parents are encouraged to pick up their student(s) as soon as possible so they, along with Program staff, may travel home safely.
Late pick up fees will apply beginning at 4:36 p.m.
School Cancelled
Program status is communicated in the district cancellation notice. If the B/ASP is open, program hours are 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. for all B/ASP students currently registered.
If the B/ASP is open, program hours are 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. at Heritage Elementary School ONLY at 301 SW Prairie Trail Parkway. Enrollment is limited and dependent upon the number of employees who can safely report to work. Once the student to employee ratio is met, no additional students will be accepted. Students must bring a sack lunch. A morning and afternoon snack is provided. Late pick up fees will apply beginning at 4:36 p.m.
District Closed
When the district is closed, the Program is also closed.
Non-Weather Related Emergency – the Program will be closed or adjusted depending on the emergency. Should inclement weather or any other emergency situation affect B/ASP services, parents will be notified using the same methods as the regular school day. The district’s parent notification system will use the contact information on file in Infinite Campus to send e-mail and phone notices.
Information provided from the Before & After School Program Handbook, page 7.