Internet Use
Internet Use and Opt-Out
The Ankeny Community School District offers a variety of online tools for students and teachers on the district website. Depending upon the class, students may have opportunities to download class materials, complete assignments online, participate in classroom moderated blogs, use the internet for research and more. Because of these expanded capabilities, we offer the opportunity for parents to opt children out of Web use in this manner. We ask that you read the notice below, and only return the form to your school office if you do not agree to the terms within.
Internet Use Statement
As a parent or legal guardian of a student enrolled in Ankeny Community Schools, I recognize that in accordance with School Board Policy, my student has access to district-owned and operated computer systems, networks, and the Internet. Some of these systems are interactive in nature, and allow my student to participate in online activities designed to enhance and extend classroom learning opportunities. I understand that this access is delivered under the direct supervision of a teacher or other trained adult employee.
Furthermore, I understand that while the Ankeny Community School District strives to provide protection from all objectionable material found on the Internet, some objectionable material is impossible to filter and may inadvertently be accessed. I, as parent or legal guardian, accept responsibility for guidance of appropriate Internet use as it pertains to the exploration and selection of media and information.
Form Instructions
- If you agree with the terms above: No further action is necessary.
- If you do not agree with the terms above:
Please fill out and return the form below to your student’s school. If you have more than one student you wish to opt-out of Web use, please print additional copies and fill one out for each student.