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Our District

DEI Framework

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The DEI Framework is a guiding set of principles, specific to Ankeny, with local priorities, definitions, and actions identified that will help Ankeny achieve its vision of equity and inclusion for all students. The Framework will help school staff and leaders ensure that initiatives undertaken within Ankeny schools are directed toward the achievement of core districts goals and aligned to the strategic plan. 


The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Framework is the result of ongoing, thoughtful partnerships with stakeholders committed to advancing educational equity for all students, including central and network office staff, principals, educators, parents, students, and community partners. 


This Framework describes the expected adult “ways of work” that support student growth and readiness to pursue multiple academic and career pathways when they graduate from Ankeny Schools. The framework provides guiding principles for staff behaviors to achieve the goals in support of the strategic plan. The Framework also outlines a clear and shared purpose around the way adults will operate to provide all students access to high-quality learning experiences and achieve the district’s mission.

To do so will require leadership throughout the organization and from every adult. A cycle of continuous improvement must be established to enable all staff members to extend their knowledge and focus on improving instructional leadership, teaching practices, and district operations in support of learning for all students. The district’s growth and high academic and professional achievement standards are the catalysts for continuous improvement. Our ability to improve all students’ access to high-quality learning will continue to be dependent on the district’s ability to understand the competencies, conditions, culture, and context of our community as we continue to grow. Although the district consists of many unique and complex parts, these independent parts must identify how to work together effectively and efficiently to create multiple academic and career pathways for all students.

The Ankeny Community School District Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Framework (“Framework”) codifies our belief that:

  1. All students can achieve at high levels and demonstrate readiness for postsecondary and career pathways.
  2. Our students, staff, and families must operate in accordance with the ways of work described in the Framework to realize the vision.
  3. All students will experience belonging, have at least one adult they connect with, and have multiple opportunities to succeed.