Logos and Brand Guide
The Ankeny Community School District has developed a strong brand and visual identity both internally and externally. It consists of a common visual system with independent trademarked logos representing the district, Ankeny High School, and Ankeny Centennial High School.
It is important that these logos be used consistently and correctly.
The logos have been approved and adopted by the School Board to represent the district and schools. The district has taken steps to protect its trademarked logos and ensure proper use. It is important to become familiar with these rules and guides before using the logos of the district.
Board Policy 1004.21 – Advertising and Promotion, governs the use of school logos. Under this policy, the use of logos for promotional purposes and/or retail sales requires licensing.
- The district may determine whether the use of the license is aligned with the policy.
- Please note that while Board policy allows non-District-related community club athletic teams to use its logos with a license (for example, a little league team) the use of district logos for a non-school team at the 8th – 12th-grade level may not be consistent with the use of the logo. For that reason, the district reserves the right to determine whether the use of the logo will be permitted.
- A District Brand and Style Guide has been developed, which also governs the use of our logos.
- High quality art files are available upon request. Do not save the images from the website, as these images are low-resolution saved and are not considered suitable for print use.
To become a licensed vendor, please fill out and submit a Trademark Agreement, along with the required $10 fee, to the attention of the Communications Department at the district office – 406 SW School St., Ankeny, IA 50023.
For information about licensing, call (515) 289-3950.